I was thinking...

11 No one can really know what anyone else is thinking or what he is really like except that person himself. And no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world’s spirit) to tell us about the wonderful free gifts of grace and blessing that God has given us. (I Corinthians 2:11-12 TLB)

Have you ever had one of those moments when someone else finishes your thoughts even before you get them out? It is like they are so perfectly connected to you that they just 'complete' you. I have always thought if they could complete those 'harmless' thoughts so quickly and perfectly, how much could they possibly know what I am thinking that is not as 'harmless'? Kind of scary to think about, huh? Someone else knowing you so well that they actually 'get' both the good and bad about you so well they just know what you are going to say next. If that 'someone' is the Holy Spirit, there is a connection to goodness that is bound to come through - because he is God and perfectly reflects the mind of Christ in us!

All we need to know and act upon comes from God himself - the mind of Christ resident within us in the person of the Holy Spirit. Stop for just a moment to consider what it would be like to be connected to some 'super-computer' that could spit out any piece of information you needed at that very moment. You'd ask a question and in what seemed like just nano-seconds, the process of answering your question became evident on the screen. We'd all probably pay good money for this kind of treasure, wouldn't we? There is a knowledge that surpasses even the most powerful computers in the world, or the most highly intelligent individuals who have amassed tons and tons of knowledge. The computer is only capable of crunching data someone put into it! The human is only as intelligent as their learning capacity has taken them.

The mind of Christ far surpasses all human knowledge and certainly all computing devices known to man. There are no 'super-powers' greater than his power - maybe because his power emanates from his all-knowing mind and wisdom. The mind of Christ is known to the Spirit - and by his presence within us, we have access to this same mind. Scripture actually challenges us to allow the same mind that is in Christ Jesus to be our own - in other words, allow his thoughts to be the ones that come forth most. Easier said than done, I know. The struggle in our mind is so evident because of the evidence of our actions. Our actions betray what we think about the most. Although we have access to the mind of Christ because the Spirit of God resides within, we don't always rely upon these thoughts, do we?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if Christ began to complete our thoughts? Wouldn't it be more awesome if he actually began to initiate those thoughts, as well? Just askin!


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