A waterfall lesson or two

There is a song which has been running through my head all night.  I often awake with a tune of some sorts just running over and over in my mind.  It isn't that I am all that musically inclined, but I think it is my desire to praise God with my life which gives me this song deep within.  As I rehearsed the lines over and over, something began to speak to me from those few words of the song.  Let me share the words of the song are from an album entitled "Love Ran Red" by Chris Tomlin.  The song is "Waterfall" and the words which kept "tumbling" in my head:  "Your love is like a waterfall, waterfall..."  The second remembered set of words from the song probably speak the loudest to me: "It's coming like a flood; I'm dancing in the rain.  Everything I've done is covered in rivers of grace...Amazing".  Those who have followed me for a while know I truly think there is nothing more amazing in this life than grace!  Grace is given when least deserved, cannot be earned no matter how hard you try, and is meaningless until it is embraced and allowed to embrace you.  Chris Tomlin's words in his song began to speak to me afresh last night - why?  I think it was because God wanted me to be reminded again of his great love and how it is a place of safety, refreshing, and life.   

But I am like an olive tree growing in God’s house, and I can count on his love forever and ever. (Psalm 52:8 CEV)

Why a waterfall?  Why was that the focus of the words which kept coming to mind?  I thought a while on the things I know about waterfalls and those which I have seen in my travels.  I have been deafened by their roar, refreshed by their far-flung mist, and amazed at the brilliance of their cascading beauty.  Maybe this is why I reflected upon these words for so long - they pointed me to the very things I appreciate about my Lord and Savior!  His voice is clear and consistent.  He refreshes me in times of dryness and fatigue.  He gives beauty where there is only barrenness.  In the words of this song, his love is like waterfall - running wild and free.  That is how God's love comes into our lives - wild and free.  It invigorates, restores, and sounds afresh the tunes of his majesty deep within the recesses of our souls.

Some lessons from the waterfalls I have observed:

- They cascade downward.  I haven't seen a waterfall yet which flows upward!  If we consider for just a moment all that we know about God's love, a waterfall might just be the image which gives us a moment to consider the awesomeness of a love which continually flows downward toward us.  His love flows from his throne into the very recesses of our lives - it flows toward us and draws us into its refreshing flow.

- They create a distinctive noise.  As the waters cascade downward, the noise created can sometimes be deafening, while it is quite alluring to the senses.  There is something about that noise which draws us in - we are moved toward it, not away from it.  Even the great Niagara Falls, with their deafening roar will draw in millions each year.  The sound of his voice is awe-inspiring, but it draws us in and enthralls us with its majesty.

- They run clear and clean.  I have observed the beauty of the waterfall, clear, crisp waters cascading from heights far above me.  Even the smaller falls seem to cascade their beauty in the crisp and clear waters which come tumbling down toward the grounds below.  The white color of the falls remind me of the purity of God's voice - clear, clean, and crisp.  

- They often are not fully contained.  As the waters tumble downward, the mists of water which drift out from the falling water as it cascades and tumbles along the course rocks it encounters can be felt often many, many feet away from those falls.  That mist not only refreshes, it gives life to the things drawn into its path.

- They don't freeze over and stop flowing in winter season.  In fact, the falls continue to run deep beneath the snowy cover and icy flow which may develop as a "crust" upon the top of the falls.  Deep within, the falls continue their downward cascade, bringing life even in the seasons of deepest freeze. This speaks to me about never considering things as "barren" and "lifeless" wherever God's love is free-flowing.

- They often are a shelter.  Behind those great tumbling waters, there are often spaces carved out which provide the most optimum shelter - almost unobserved by many.  The secret place within the falls is home to those who will take shelter there - but it is a shelter one must find in order to enjoy! 

God's love is like a waterfall - tumbling free.  His grace is cascading downward - for you and me. God's love envelopes the weak - making new the heart and lifting high the spirit of a fallen soul. Consider the majesty of that love and walk deeply into the secret place he has prepared for you in the waterfall of his love today!  You will find joy in its flow.  Just sayin!


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