The "perfect"

We go through life looking for the "perfect" object - whatever it may be.  We search for the "perfect mate" - like finding a compatible mate wasn't hard enough!  We seek the "perfect house" - like a roof over our heads and a reasonable amount of space to live within isn't enough to protect us from the elements.  We research the "perfect ride" - like running with decent gas mileage and getting us reliably from point A to point B isn't going to do it.  We are always seeking, seldom finding, and often frustrated because we search for what is impossible to find!  Perfection is inherent in one individual - God himself.  We cannot find the perfect "anything" unless that "anything" is really God himself!

The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm. So always trust the Lord because he is forever our mighty rock. (Isaiah 26:3-4 CEV)

The thing about finding what is "perfect" is that it isn't "found" - it is received!  It is something which is "given" - not hunted down or stalked.  It isn't a matter of our own doing or finding, but of God's giving and grace!  God gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm in him.  It is given, freely, without strings attached, not because we deserve it or have sought it out with all the precision of skilled shoppers, but because his love for us overflows in tremendous blessing in our lives.

I looked up some "synonyms" for "perfect".  A synonym is a word which comes close to having the same meaning or carries some aspect of the word we are considering.  Do you know what I found?  His peace is:

- Excellent.  Nothing exceeds his peace - nothing here on this earth or in heaven above has the capability of exceeding the excellence of his peace which is given to us freely.

- Foolproof.  Now this should excite every reader, my friends!  His peace goes beyond our foolish ways and surpasses the most ridiculous things we can concoct or manage to get ourselves into.

- Pure.  At first I didn't quite connect this with God's peace, but when we stop long enough to really consider this, it becomes kind of exciting to know his peace is not tainted in anyway with whatever this world sends our way - it remains completely and beautifully pure.  Maybe this is why it is so hard to disturb God's peace in our lives - because it cannot be tainted by the circumstances!

- Absolute.  No "thing" or "circumstance" or "individual" can supersede his peace.  It is complete, infinite, unlimited, and unconditional.  

- Impeccable.  It is precise.  There is  nothing wishy-washy about God's peace.  It is exact, on the spot, and without fail.  It is like nothing we can compare it to because it is incomparable to anything our finite minds can possibly imagine.

Now, his peace isn't worked for, or sought after.  It is a result of placing our faith on a solid rock - Jesus Christ and none other.  His peace isn't an after-thought, but a deliberate expression of how much he loves us and what his grace has done within our lives.  If you have ever stopped long enough to consider your sinfulness, you will probably recognize how much that "unsettles" us deep within - because we cannot find a way out of that sinful state in our own efforts or any amount of rule-keeping.  We need a way out and that way out is none other than Christ himself.  His grace is the thing which sets the soul free and a free soul is one able to embrace the "perfection" of God's peace.

Where we stand makes all the difference - standing upon anything other than the rock of faith makes for a pretty "unpeaceful" existence!  Just sayin!


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