Finding your way back
Have you ever taken a detour, or found yourself lost on some road? I have and it gets a little bit 'intimidating' to be lost! You feel like the world as you know it is just not right! Some of us have been 'lost' for a little while, just wandering around in some form of 'life muddle' and it is likely we want to just find our way out! Have you ever just felt like it was past time for God to intervene in your life to help you out on this mess you are in - the wait has been so long, you have endured so much, and all you want is some kind of deliverance from the pressure you have been under. I imagine we all face this kind of 'loss' or 'frustration' from time to time, wondering IF God even hears us when we pray, thinking he may have his attention focused on something or someone else. The important thing in the midst of our 'muddled mess' is the object of our focus WITHIN the mess! The object of focus needs to be God himself - his Word will bol