Pack your bags - - - here comes the guilt trip!
Guilt: The feeling of responsibility or remorse for an offense, wrong, or violation of rule - whether real or imagined. This definition certainly hits the nail on the head, doesn't it? Some of our guilt is quite real - we did something wrong and now we feel the "remorse" and "responsibility" which are an outcome of the wrongdoing. At other times, our guilt is really not "real" - it is a thing of "memory" - almost like it is imprinted into the fibers of our brain and we cannot get free from it. Genuine or real guilt is a normal response to wrong behavior. On the other hand, imagined guilt (false guilt) is sometimes "put upon" us by another - we really aren't responsible for the outcome, but another person is making us feel like we are. What do we do with this kind of guilt? Count yourself lucky— God holds nothing against you and you’re holding nothing back from him. When I kept it all inside, my bones turned to po...