Why consider the infrastructure?

There are times when we need to look at where it is we are standing and be sure the ground underneath us is really going to stand up to the pressure.  Truth be told, most of us don't give a second thought to where we are standing until we begin to experience our foothold giving out underneath us!  The moment we begin to sense things "giving way", we begin to look around for something we can reach out to in order to "stabilize" ourselves.  You know it is true - don't try denying it!  We kind of forget about the importance of our "footing" until we find it isn't as predictable or reliable as we counted on when we took steps in that direction.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust! (Psalm 91:1-2 AMPC)

To a builder, the footing of a structure is considered the "infrastructure" of that building. It is what gives support to all which is built upon it - without the infrastructure, there is no stability to the structure.  This principle holds true in almost all design and organized "system" there is - including the human body, airplane flight, or sailing a ship.  The last two examples don't seem like they have much of a "footing", because water and air are not very "stable".  The truth is that what makes up the "infrastructure" of the plane's wings, flaps, engine thrust, etc., all help to give the plane the ability to fly though the air it soars through is without "stable structure".  The "infrastructure" of the biggest ship is what gives it the ability to sail upon the waters of the deepest seas, not the water it sails upon.

Structure is defined by the footing - the foundation.  The right foundation gives a reliable structure to whatever is built upon it.  The structure upon which we build is none other than truth and justice - Christ himself.  He is all-truth - therefore anything in opposition to truth cannot be built into our lives if the foundation of truth is well-established.  He is perfect justice - therefore life's injustices cannot gain a foothold into our lives if this foundation of justice is the underlying principle of how we conduct our affairs in life.  I chose the Amplified Bible's translation of our passage today because I think it helps to define our "footing" a little clearer.

If we "dwell" in the secret place of the Most High, we shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow his presence creates.  Let's take this apart a little.  To dwell means we continue in that place - we determine to allow his presence to be the footing upon which all truth is built into our lives.  He who "dwells" actually learns to reside - to not move, but to remain steadily fixed to the location he has been placed.  The foundation of one's life is important because it is what gives us the power to withstand any and all attack.  I have a crack in my home's foundation which causes little cracks to develop in the walls on occasion.  As settling occurs, those pesky cracks trail their way up the wall by one door and window.  It looks as though the entire structure of the house is "under pressure" because of that small crack in the foundation.  It is!

It doesn't take much to undermine the structure of something - a small crack can impact the entire stability of the whole house's structure.  In truth, the structure upon which we build our lives is probably more important!  To not be affected by the "fissures" of bad character which would seek to do us harm and cause us to crumble under life's pressures, we need the most reliable of foundations upon which we not only build, but lean upon when pressures come our way.  To find a reliable place in which to dwell comes by allowing a strong and mighty foundation to be built into our lives which will act as the infrastructure of our lives. Just sayin!


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