We OWE a debt

Pay all your debts except the debt of love for others—never finish paying that! For if you love them, you will be obeying all of God’s laws, fulfilling all his requirements. (Romans 13:8 TLB)

I sometimes use a credit card, but I am sure the banks aren't excited by the fact I don't carry a balance long enough to even pay any interest on it! I use it and pay it off - not liking to have debt. It is one of those cards that actually returns a little money to me by accumulating points with each purchase. I have managed to buy a new computer that way and a tablet, not to mention getting occasional gift cards. So, all in all, it is one practice that has served me well. There is one debt that I will always owe, though - the debt of love. For all of my life I will always be taking steps to 'pay off' that debt!

Some think of debt as a liability. When it comes to loving as Christ loved us, it isn't so much a liability, but an outflow of that love. It is the consideration of others more than ourselves that is hardest in this world. We are 'bent toward' thinking first about ourselves and then we seem to 'make time' for others. While that isn't all bad, since it is important take care of yourself so you remain well, it can be carried a little bit too far on occasion. We sometimes get so wrapped up in our little world that we neglect to see what is going on around us in the worlds of others.

Christ had a way of seeing his world as our world. It incorporated us into his world with every step he took and breath he inhaled. Our world was and is his world - he came to us, for us, lives in us, creates us, goes before us, walks beside us, and graces us with his peace, joy, and love. Nothing in his world was all about him. It was all about us! As much as we might want to think we are living as he did, we still far fall short of his example!

Christ never said, "Hey, look at me. I am the most important one here!" He simply lived as though nothing else mattered to him but us. It is in this way we are to pattern our lives, but we don't do it alone. We love as he loves because he lives in us. We stop living for ourselves because we are now living for him. It isn't about us keeping commandments, it is about us keeping Christ in the right place in our lives. When that is the case, the results will be to live in such a way that his love flows through - making the 'debt of love' we continually owe easier to repay each and every time we have the opportunity to 'pay that debt'. Just sayin!


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