Road - Truth - Life

The road often reveals the journey, does it not? Along the way, we make discoveries - some major, others less, but all have significance regardless of big or little. In the end, we hope to have a look back and make the determination we have lived well - life has been a little up and down at times, but it has been a great life nonetheless. When Jesus told his disciples he was the road, the truth, and the life, he wasn't waxing poetic. He was describing what it means to embrace a life lived in the safety and provision of walking with him.

Jesus said, “I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him. You’ve even seen him!” John 14:6 MSG

When he describes himself as the Road, he isn't just saying he is 'a way', but 'the' way. There are lots of roads to take in life, but none is quite as significant for us to traverse as the Road which leads us right into the very throne room of God, Most High! Along any road, there can be many a chance to deviate from that course - exits along the way that lead us who knows where. Sometimes we choose to take a road not well-marked, seldom explored by others, and kind of scary to traverse because of all the 'unknowns'. That isn't the road Jesus describes when he calls himself the Road. His way is straight, well-marked, and leads us into places of safety and provision.

As we travel any distance in this lifetime, we come across all manner of things touting themselves as truth. I have bought into a few of those 'truths' only to find out I got suckered into believing something that was only a partial truth! With Jesus, it is total truth - he is not sugar coating it, nor is he making claims he cannot back up with all manner of action. Truth may not always be popular, but it doesn't change the fact it is true. When we think about truth, we might call to mind something or someone we have a hard time trusting. Why is it we think of what we cannot trust when we think about truth? I think it is because we recognize the extreme contrast between something that is trustworthy and that which betrays our trust each and every time!

Jesus won't betray our trust. In fact, he makes it hard not to trust him because of how trustworthy he is in all aspects of our lives. Even those who have experienced significant tragedy know they can trust God with the outcome. It may not have been a pleasant outcome, but in the end, they stand just as strong in their trust in God as they did before the tragic outcome. How is that possible? I think it is possible because Jesus never abandons them - somehow they felt his presence, saw his hand, knew his care, felt his touch. Maybe the outcome wasn't as they would have hoped, but he remained steadfast in his attendance over their journey, and they walked it out together. Trust isn't always about getting the outcome we desire, but it is about us knowing we were on the right path with the most trustworthy companion in that journey! Just sayin!


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