Words of Wisdom

Okay, I remember the old 'first generation' personal computers that were about the size of your entire desk. Yes, I recall the brick cell phones that weighed about 10 pounds and could poke an eye out with their heavy duty antennas. Yup, I even was a part of that first 'social networking' clan known as Myspace and had to access it via "dial-up" modem! That makes me old! But...does it make me wiser? No! Age and wisdom are not always connected - there are times when age occurs and wisdom just seems to evade the person who has those added years under their belt!

A wise person gets known for insight; gracious words add to one's reputation. (Proverbs 16:21)

It is no secret that I like to veg out with my tablet in hand. I like to play the games, find joy in reading a free book I have downloaded, or just laugh occasionally at a well-posted joke on my social media feed. I also find that there are nougats of truth that people sometimes share that make me pause for a moment to consider those words that have been posted. They evoke thought, but sometimes they also evoke emotion. We would call this "insight" - the ability to connect with a truth in such a way that in sharing in it the insight impacts the lives of others.

Insight is really the ability to apprehend the TRUE nature of a matter and it is almost always because the individual has what we'd term an "intuitive understanding" of the subject. They may not have even had to "study hard" to really "get" what it is that they are sharing - there just seems to be a "connection" with the object of their understanding. I know that I often prayed for ANY form of insight in my calculus classes - not always equating hours and hours of intensive study with the ability to actually get those concepts! That was just one of those math classes where you had to either "get it" or you just simply did not and needed to move on!

Life is kind of like that sometimes. In some moments you simply "get it", while at other times there is almost a constant struggle to find any meaning, making the idea of "connecting the dots" just plain incomprehensible and the desire to 'move on' to come more and more frequently. Insight is the ability to "penetrate the surface" - being able to see the true character or the hidden truth. People who have insight sometimes make others uncomfortable - because they think that individual may be able to "read them like a book"!

The ability to discern truth - ferreting out the insignificant from the facts - is sometimes frightening for someone who is constantly trying to hide behind the falsehood of a well-kept facade! Yet, in moments of despair, where does that one who is hiding behind that well-kept facade often turn? You got it! To the one who has insight. Why is that? It stems from understanding the second part of the verse above - because they are known for their gracious words. The person of insight can bring "truth" to the surface, but does it in such a way that there is "grace" in the truth. That is probably why we are drawn to these individuals and to their words so frequently - because they are filled with grace! Grace is simply unmerited favor - being able to connect truth in such a way that even when "blame" might be called for, grace is extended. Surround yourself with these type of individuals and you will learn much. Wisdom is inherent in their actions! Just sayin!


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