It is all out war

There are certainly times when we feel we have some form of an enemy breathing down our neck and to be honest here, we just want to run like a crazy person from the "threat" we feel. In a literal sense, we have very real enemies who come against us, determined to make life miserable for us. In a spiritual sense, we have one really big enemy - Satan. In an emotional sense, we have lots of enemies, such as fear, pride, and lust. Regardless of the enemy we face today, we need to hear the words: The closer they get to us, the farther they are from the truth God reveals when we draw closer to him! The way we don't succumb to their attack is by drawing closer to God while under attack!

As those out to get me come closer and closer, they go farther and farther from the truth you reveal; but you're the closest of all to me, God, and all your judgments true. I've known all along from the evidence of your words that you meant them to last forever. (Psalm 119:150-152)

The enemy of fear drives a hard bargain. With fear, the goal is to shut us down so we are no longer making forward progress of any sort - to kind of 'paralyze us in place'. Any of our human or spiritual enemies can use fear as a weapon in their arsenal to wage an attack upon us if we are not paying attention to our own emotional responses to their attack. Fear is the exact opposite of faith - the outcome of fear is paralysis (a lack of movement). No enemy we face is more happy than the one who takes advantage of us as "sitting ducks" - paralyzed in fear and immovable because we don't know which way to go!

The enemy of pride demands a place of prominence, constantly reminding us we can be more, do more, get more. The focus of pride's attack is in the area of our satisfaction - pride tunes into our forces of perception and focuses us on what we "don't" have rather than on what we "do" have. The outcome of pride's attack is an inattentiveness to the things which really matter in life. Quantity is rarely equal to quality. My pastor frequently reminds us that where comparison enters in, contentment is quickly departing the door! Anytime we focus more on comparing what we have or don't have, we are opening the door for discontent.

The enemy of lust wiggles into our lives through our "eye gate". The things we behold with our eyes become the things which eventually will tickle some fancy. The things we learn to desire because they "look" good are not always good. I have often wondered where we would be today if Eve never considered the apple on the tree of good and evil! It was in the moment of considering that the battle began. There is no greater weapon we have than our ability to flee the very first tug to move toward something we would be better off leaving alone!

The enemies go on and on. You get the idea. The opposite of our enemy is our God! The opposite outcome of our enemy's attack is our God's blessing! The opposite of our enemy's lies if our God's truth! No enemy wages an attack that catches God off-guard (even though it may catch US a little off-guard, it hasn't escaped his attention). The best place to be when we feel the heat of our enemy's breath is close to God's heart! Trust me on this one...our enemy has a hard time maintaining any breath when they have to look him in the eyes! Just sayin!


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