Do you feel it?

I like to watch the cop shows and then try to figure out the "who done it" of the show. One of the things we see repeatedly in these shows is the cops questioning individuals who have witnessed the crimes - they want to capture as accurate of a description of the suspect as possible. Have you ever been asked to describe God - to give an accurate description of who he is? It is harder than you might think! We take a deep breath, then launch out into some kind of lengthy explanation of what God does, how he moves among us, what he has created, but these are his actions, not necessarily a description of HIM. All the while we are describing his actions, we are really struggling with getting anything "concrete" in our answer of who we know him to be in our lives. Try it! It is hard! David had a really good way of describing God - simple and to the point - light, space, and zest!

Light, space, zest— that's God! So, with him on my side I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. (Psalm 27:1)

Three simple words, but pretty all-inclusive if you ask me! Light, space, and zest - what could he possibly have meant by using these words? He isn't just describing what God does or how he acts, but he is describing what God does within us and how he displays his character (who he is) through us. He displays himself through us as Light. This is the message we have heard from him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in him there is no darkness at all (I John 1:5 NIV). In him we find all glory and majesty - light can be described as displaying the majesty of the one who possesses the light. No wonder scripture repeatedly refers to God as "light" - it is not something which is "in" him - he is the perfect and purest LIGHT. There is no darkness within him - he is holy and his holiness reflects in the purest of Light. That same holiness resides in us - giving us the purest of light within!

Ever think of God as Space? John 4:24 tells us God is "Spirit" - does a 'spirit' take up 'space' or create 'space'. Perhaps this is the best way for us to understand just how he can be everyone at one time - he transcends the limitations of human nature - he isn't limited by 'space' because he is the one who gives or creates the ultimate 'space' we see before us. He is above all, in all, and creator of all. As such, he is like "space". Unlimited, and with a greatness that is really, really hard to 'calculate'. Try as we might, we cannot "box" God in - he is not an equation - something we can sum up! He is infinite and our finite minds have a hard time with not understanding everything all at once! God creates space for all we need and he removes from our 'space' all that will hinder us and make us stumble in this life.

Zest is a little harder to understand because it kind of suggests action - he gives liveliness to all he animates - zest is liveliness or that which we describe as 'coming alive'. In him is the inherent ability to impart the truest form of energy - that which animates and gives abundant life to a lifeless soul! Sin robs us of this "animation" of spirit - God's touch and his presence in the space he has created within us that is specifically for his Spirit is what restores it! No wonder David stands so assured when he considers who is "on his side" in his daily walk! The purest of the pure - able to push back all darkness. The limitless one - powerful beyond our calculating. The one full of life - imparting life with each brush of his hand or passing of his breath over our lives! Afraid of no one and nothing! Why? We fear the dark - God's light exposes what is hidden. We fear the unknown - God's limitless supply is ours. We fear death - God's life is assured to those who choose him. Therefore, why fear?

The Lord is my light and the One Who saves me. Whom should I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom should I be afraid? (New Life Version) Whenever we are afraid, we are filled with apprehension. When we describe ourselves as fearful, we are saying we are filled with a dread of the impending danger, evil, or pain we perceive. The Lord is MY light - the one who saves ME. Here is the "grip" we hold onto in the midst of impending doom - MY light, the one who saves ME. In the words of an old hymn: His eye may be on the sparrow, but he watches ME! He is a personal God - he walks WITH and WITHIN us. In his carefulness over us, light dispels darkness, perceptions are enlarged, and we are reanimated again! Just feeling the zest of God today!


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