Bigger than...

That evening a lot of demon-afflicted people were brought to him. He relieved the inwardly tormented. He cured the bodily ill. He fulfilled Isaiah's well-known sermon: He took our illnesses, He carried our diseases. (Matthew 8:16-17)

We don't always understand how God moves, what he plans within the long fights with debilitating disease, or how the loss of a loved one will affect the lives of those who have trusted God for their loved one's healing. One thing you and I can hold onto - God is NEVER untrue to his word! His purposes may be far beyond our limited ability to understand them, but he never "backs down" on his word! Get that - God NEVER backs down on his word - his promises are consistent and they are a sure foundation for our lives. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly - his promises remain the same.

After a long day of healing the sick, Jesus is faced with even more sick and tormented individuals who petition for their release from infirmity. He has healed the leper, cured the servant of the Captain of the Roman Guard, and raised Peter's mother-in-law from her sickbed. Now, with dusk upon him, the demon-afflicted come to him - seeking release, hoping for peace at last - and he is moved once again into the service of healing and delivering. He had relieved the inwardly tormented. He had cured the bodily ill. He took their illnesses and carried their diseases - he TOOK and he CARRIED not only their illnesses and diseases, but OURS, as well. He relieved - he eased their burden and released them from their oppression. he cured - he restored to perfect health what once was plagued with disease and death. He took - he brought into his own hands, into his own possession their illnesses. He carried - he became the bearer of their torment.

The inwardly tormented (those with oppressed and depressed thoughts) were given a new outlook on life - released to begin to live without the burden which had tormented them for so long. Does that sound like anybody you know? Inwardly tormented - oppressed, under the burden of depression? The bodily ill restored to perfect health - certainly the great hope of all with debilitating disease is not only to be well, but to be perfectly healed. This is what we hold onto in the midst of disease. This is what we count on when tides just don't seem to turn in our mind's thoughts and our souls emotions. God is in control - every step of the way. I cannot know fully the depths of all he accomplishes - but I can trust fully in the promises of deliverance. So, regardless of the immediacy of the outcome, I encourage those who need his healing to come, just as these did those many years ago. Bringing inward torment, bodily disease, illnesses without name, muddled-minds and troubled emotions - looking into his eyes, beholding his grace, and then beginning to live fully in his peace. In the midst of the "fight" perhaps our greatest "deliverance" comes in the "yielding" of our spirits to his control.

In the midst of your fight today, just know I am praying for you! I may not know you all by name, but God does! As I write today, I hold you each before him - may he bless you IN the fight! May he bless you in the midst of your healing - for I know our God is bigger than what you face today! Just sayin!


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