Don't get too comfortable

Be generous with me and I’ll live a full life; not for a minute will I take my eyes off your road. Open my eyes so I can see what you show me of your miracle-wonders. I’m a stranger in these parts; give me clear directions. My soul is starved and hungry, ravenous!— insatiable for your nourishing commands. (Psalm 119:18)

If you have ever been in a situation where you kind of feel like it is 'foreign' to you, you probably felt a little like a fish out of water. You flopped around, struggling to find a way back to where you felt comfort and ease. I know moments like these cause most of us some angst, increasing our anxiety level more and more as we wander around a little lost and insecure. Being a 'stranger' isn't easy to deal with, probably because as 'sojourners' in this place of discomfort we find it hard for us to move from stranger or foreigner to being at ease dwelling where we are placed. God isn't immune to our discomfort - he has a plan for it!

Take a moment to dwell on the idea of God having a plan for our feeling a little like life is a bit 'foreign' to us right now. There is much to be learned when we are made a little uncomfortable. It is usually God 'stirring up' something within us that he is about to do within us. As our psalmist prays, he asks God to open his eyes so he doesn't miss what God is about to do. I often pray this same prayer - sometimes as nothing more than what I refer to as 'arrow prayers' - those tiny prayers that are about a sentence long, but are intentional and from the heart. The truth is our souls are kind of starving a bit and if we are to find the nourishment our souls need need, we need to get a little more than a 'bit' uncomfortable in order to be open to how God will meet those needs. 

Insatiable appetites for what God has in store for us - what image does that conjure up for you? I have those nights when nothing looks good in the fridge, pantry, or fruit bowl. I want something, but I don't know what it is. That is kind of like what it is to feel a little like a stranger in our present circumstances - we know God is working, we are hungry for something, but we have no idea what it will be that will satisfy that hunger. We are ravenous, but we aren't able to find the very thing that will satisfy that insatiability until we allow God to take us a little bit further into that place of discomfort. It seems a little like God might just be a little 'hard on us' when he allows us to get uncomfortable - feeling like life is a bit foreign - but the way to discover new the new things he desires for us is for us to get out of our comfort zone and into the place where he is free to move. 

God isn't cruel when he allows us to feel discomfort - he is exercising the greatest of kindnesses toward us! He knows we will have our deepest desire kindled at the point of our greatest discomfort. Just sayin!


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