
Showing posts with the label Acceptance

But...what will they think?

There comes a time when we have the perfect time to acknowledge our faith in Jesus, only to become timid and almost 'embarrassed' to do so simply because our 'social group' would think us 'odd' or reject us because of our 'stand'? There are times we think more about our 'social standing' within the group than we do our opportunity to be light and life in a very, very dark world. The leaders believed, yet their 'fear' of the impact on their 'social standing' as 'leaders' actually caused them to keep silent about Jesus. It is a sad day when we care more about what others think about us than we do about drawing closer to Jesus, allowing him to use us in whatever 'social grouping' we have been placed. Many people did believe in him, however, including some of the Jewish leaders. But they wouldn’t admit it for fear that the Pharisees would expel them from the synagogue. For they loved human praise more than the praise

Just as I am

So accept one another in the same way the Anointed has accepted you so that God will get the praise He is due.  ( Romans 15:7   VOICE ) Mother Teresa always reminded us of the power of a smile: "Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." She also said we are responsible to ensure no one ever leaves our presence without being just a little bit happier - how? Through the spreading of love wherever we go!  There is something powerful in accepting the other person - complete with their quirks and hangups, their good intentions and their not so "holy" ones, their wisdom and their foolishness. My dad used to remind me that the things happening in my life might just pale in comparison to the other person's life's events, so I shouldn't judge based on what I see on the surface.  It was that old adage of "there for the grace of God go I" kind of moment. Acceptance involves approval - not so much of the action

What if....

What if...the church really started accepting people who were genuine as the only "members" of the church?  Would you be among that number?  Would you be free to be exactly who you are right there in the midst of others who are being just who they are?  In most churches today, we aren't too excited about others being very "human" in our midst.  If we were totally honest here, we aren't too comfortable being "human" around a whole bunch of people we may feel a little "judged" by - right?  So, I wonder how much we are willing to rise up to the challenge to "get real" in our local church - to actually stop being the hypocrites we can all be (me included) and just get real with God, self, and others?  Quite a challenge - but one which may just have advantages unrealized by a great multitude! We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function. In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one b

Taken in by his embrace

We all run - either toward something or away from it.  In every decision of life, we make a choice to draw near, or to cautiously pull away.  Throughout our daily lives, we resist some things and gladly partake of others.  The pear is eaten - the candy bar avoided.  The tough conversation is had - the relationship rift is avoided.  We all have a response to Jesus, as well - either to be embraced by him or to rely upon our own strength.   Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever. I have told you this explicitly because even though you have seen me in action, you don't really believe me. Every person the Father gives me eventually comes running to me. And once that person is with me, I hold on and don't let go. I came down from heaven not to follow my own whim but to accomplish the will of the One who sent me.  This, in a nutshell, is that will: that everything handed over to me by the Father be comple