A suitcase of dirty clothes
Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that’s in you, love him with all you’ve got! (Deuteronomy 6:5) I know this passage seems like it is a 'simple' one, but the loving of ANYTHING or ANYONE with ALL that's in you is kind of hard because your own self gets in the way from time to time, doesn't it? As much as we say we are 'all in' relationally, we have those moments when we 'hold out'. Some are quite intentional, while others just happen because we aren't really paying all that close of attention to the relationship. There is just one relationship that requires our all-out attention and intentionality - the one we have with Christ Jesus. All other relationships grow or decline depending upon how 'all in' we are with the relationship we have with Christ. Our whole heart - try measuring that one for a moment and you will certainly begin to realize just how hard it is to get our 'whole' heart into any relationship