What's your enemy doing for you?
There is a long story in the Bible about the plight of David, chosen by God to be the next king of Israel, being ruthlessly pursued by the King Israel had hand-selected for the job, Saul. If you have ever read the accounts, you know the history reflects Israel seeing all the surrounding nations with kings ruling over their countries. They want to have the same - so they insist to God his rule is not enough - they want a man to stand as king. Although God discourages them from doing this, he allows it. They appoint Saul - a good man at first, but he was out of his mind at times - a character trait no one wants in their king. God works behind the scenes to raise up the one he will anoint to replace Saul - David. Until such time as Saul is ready to step-down from his throne, David must serve Saul. His service starts in the courts of his throne-room, playing his harp to soothe the king. It is this very service which has him right in the place ...