Need a little bit of a push?
There is probably not one of us that would be able to say we haven't endured at least a bit of suffering of some sort in our lives. At one point or another, we will go through something that challenges us beyond our capacity. What our response is in those challenging times usually helps us to realize where our focus has been directed - what has our attention and even our affection. We might not always view suffering as a positive thing - mostly because there is a whole lot of unpleasantness in it! We might not always feel like we came away from it in an 'unscathed' manner - probably because our emotions are a bit raw, and our lives have been in upheaval for a bit longer than we might have wanted. Truth be told, our suffering is actually good for us, even when we think it might not have been the most rewarding thing to endure. My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees. Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold a...