
Showing posts with the label Cedars of Lebanon

Palm trees and cedars

We often use other things to describe something we really don't have any better words to describe.  We do this with the word "like" - she was like, it was like, etc.  When our thoughts can picture an image of something which fully describes the characteristic of what we are trying to describe, we use these images to portray our thoughts.  When I experience a new dish for the first time, perhaps a cuisine I have not tried before, I often ask another who has experienced it what the things on the menu are.  They often describe them as "like" something I might already be familiar with.  They might tell me the humus is like a dip or spread you put on a pita.  Or perhaps they explain the Thai dishes are like the hottest Mexican food I might have consumed!  Either way, they are using one thing to describe another - giving me an example I can wrap my brain around.  It is not uncommon to find the same thing done in scripture - because God wants to give us...