Remembering what we learn
Zeal without knowledge may just lead to you acting a little too quickly. Act too quickly and you may just charge ahead when it would have been wiser to stay behind. Zeal is the energy we put into the pursuit of anything or anyone. Too much can sometimes get in the way because it messes with timing. Too little can get be just as difficult to manage because it makes it difficult to be in the right place at the right time with the right resources in hand. Whenever we move into areas where we do not have personal experience (first-hand knowledge), we might do so with great enthusiasm, but what usually happens? We don't do very well the first time we try something, do we? Knowledge is designed to be shared, but until it becomes personal, it is of very little value to the one exposed to it. Those folks who build Legos for a living and make all those instruction books included in the box of building blocks have first-hand experience. Until I follow th...