Oh, but this is beyond remedy!
Stop for just a moment to consider your most "damaged relationship". It is likely the one that is the most "strained" every time you have contact with this individual. It is the one you might not really understand the 'why' behind the damage, but the damage has been done somehow and you might not have a clue how it can be fixed. If we really stop to consider it, the most 'damaged' of relationships we have is that we have with God himself - but the good news is that the 'fixing' of that damage is not our doing! In fact, we might think we are the ones that bridge that gap by our good efforts, but the truth is it is Christ that bridges any gap we might have allowed to be created through our sin - first in our relationship with him and then in our relationships with others. My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who r...