
Showing posts with the label Decide Today

Planning ahead

Have you ever made a bad decision? Have you ever made more than one followed by another? If so, you are in good company. I have made good decisions, followed by bad. I have made wrong choices, letting my emotions over-rule what I know to be true. I have also made some impulsive decisions, while taking way too long to make others and found I missed the opportunity I was hoping to get by taking all that time to make. We make decisions at times that are more than 'momentary' decisions - they will impact our future for a lot longer than we expected. It is hard to decide before we have to make a particular decision to make it a certain way, but 'pre-deciding' makes it easier to make the right decisions later on. Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place. (Proverbs 16:3) If we take the steps today to determine our course of action before we have to make a choice, we are more likely to make the best choice in the moment. I get my groceries once a...