
Showing posts with the label Dialogue

I've got something to say...

Listen while I build my case, God, the most honest prayer you'll ever hear...  (Psalm 17:1 MSG) Prayer is a powerful thing, but often an overlooked blessing in our lives. We might think we are paying attention to God and trusting him to be the Lord of every area of our lives, but I have to ask you how often you actually find yourselves laying out your case before God on a frequent basis?  I think we don't build our case as often as we might really need to.  In fact, many of us have little to no time spent in prayer until we find ourselves at the end of our rope and like we don't know what to do.  This is a sad truth, but true nonetheless. Prayer isn't designed to be a "thing" we do, but a life we live.  In other words, it is an ongoing conversation with God as freely as we speak with the closest of our friends or companions in this life on this earth.  I think this is why we sometimes struggle with prayer so much - because we have made it a "thing&quo