
Showing posts with the label Divergence


If you have ever tried to walk a straight line, you may just know how difficult this can be without total concentration, immensely good balance, and absolutely nothing pulling or pushing against you.  The slightest distraction can captivate your attention just enough to get you to stumble.  The most insignificant thing like a hiccup could cause you to lose concentration and your course changes ever so slightly.  Even a stray gust of wind can catch you off guard and give you a little challenge to stay the course!  None of these things even remotely come close to the things which might actually "impair" our walk, but each presents a definite opportunity to present us with a little moment of imbalance.  To walk straight, the focus must be on maintaining balance.  To maintain balance, one must know what it is which "impairs" balance.   Train me,  God , to walk straight;   then I’ll follow your true path.   Put me together, one heart and mi...