And your appointment time is....
We all have appointments we have to keep, right? This last week, I took a day off to run my mom to several appointments - dentist and eye doctor. The dental appointment at least allowed me to shop a little for a few things we needed as there was a store nearby. The eye doctor - what a wait! To me, the 4 hour wait almost made it appear as though there was no appointment at all! I have been "squeezed in" to see the doctor in times past, so this was cruel and unusual punishment just sitting in the huge waiting room with other disgruntled patients "in waiting". Appointments are "planned events", right? There is a specific time and place - the parties agree to the meeting. So, why the wait? The appointment allows both parties to be ready for the purpose of the meeting. So, why is it we are sometimes "ill-prepared" for some of the most significant appointments of a "divine" nature which have been arranged for our lives? Jesus answe...