
Showing posts with the label Embraced by Truth

The Kingdom of God is at hand

Get relationship right with God - giving him ALL of your heart - not just the part given to him on Sunday mornings, or when someone is looking. Focus on him as the only source of your devotion and dedication - not as much on every passing whim or fancy. Intently choose to follow his will instead of the constant pull of your own. Submit your thoughts to him and allow him to purify them, filtering out all the "noise" the world adds. Take up the tasks he lays before you and don't seek to accomplish them in your own ability or talent. This is what makes up the first and most important command. The thoughts of most religious zealots would be, "We have this down pat!" There will always stand this one command that will expose our hearts. To consider another above yourself - to focus on loving with integrity instead of with false pretense - this comes closely on the heels of being rightly related to God. “The most important command is this: ‘People of Israel, listen! Th...