Hunger gets you to the table
There are a whole lot of character traits I could choose for my "H" List - things like humility, honor, honesty, hopefulness, and holiness. Yet, I choose to focus on one character trait today: Hunger. You see, if hunger is one of your character traits, humility will follow, honor will be your adornment, honesty will be your way of doing business, hopefulness will spring from your heart, and holiness will be evident in your words and actions. So, hunger really is an all-encompassing character trait for our "H" List today! You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat. (Matthew 5:6 MSG) This passage is taken from the Sermon on the Mount. I'd like to back up a little to get some perspective though. First, we find Jesus climbing a small mountain or up onto a hillside. Why? The crowds were gathering and this gave him position to speak to the vast crowd - his voice wo...