New Wine Skins
EXPAND: To increase in extent, size, volume, or scope; to unfold; to express in fuller form or detail; to enlarge. PUNY: Of less than normal strength or size; weak; unimportant; insignificant. Not sure which side of the fence you are on today, but I know I would prefer the "expanded" version of life vs. the "puny" version. In fact, in examining the steps I have taken over the last year (something I do in the first part of each new year), I can see some steps I have taken to "position" myself for growth in a number of ways in my life. First and foremost, I find myself enjoying the times I have with my Lord - long or short. There are times in my day when I just get quiet for a few brief moments - settling my spirit and emotions into the presence of God. Others don't know about this, but it is what keeps me centered and on task in my life. If someone comes across me at that moment, they might think I am deep in thought, but in actual...