
Showing posts with the label Exposure

Hidden Treasures

If you have ever found hidden treasure, you know exactly how it feels!  At one of my Grandson's birthdays, the theme was pirates.  They have a large area of sand in the backyard, so it made sense for them to "hunt for gold" in that area.  My daughter painted everyday pebbles a brilliant gold color and cleverly scattered them just barely beneath the surface.  As the activity was introduced, the kiddos did not know what they were digging for, but they were so jazzed when they found their first "chunk" of gold!  Before long, everyone of them was digging furiously to find their own "claim" of gold.  Why?  What was once hidden was no longer - that which was exposed became a thing of interest to many!  Now, this was make believe, but in real life, I wonder how many times God cleverly places something of great worth just beneath the surface in our lives, begging for exposure and promising great delight when it is finally out in the open?  Maybe more...

Not another question!

Have you ever used the "skill" of answering a question with another question?  In some circles, such as counseling, this is a common occurrence - the questions asked are designed to get the person to consider the answer themselves and to begin to problem solve through the situation.  There are times when the most appropriate answer is another question.  For example, when a child asks you why they have to eat their vegetables, do you think answering, "Because I told you to", is the best answer?  Answer in this way, and the child will allow those veggies to just grow cold on the plate.  Yet, if the parent tried a different tact, such as saying, "Johnnie, what do you think is the reason you should eat your vegetables?", I wonder what they might receive.  Perhaps you'd hear the response, "Because if I don't, I will never get to watch TV this evening."  If the parent hears this, what is it Johnnie is saying?  He is equating doing something ver...