Help our unbelief
Some stand on the cliff-edge today - fearing the doom that awaits with just one misstep. The darkness of the vast expanse below brings swells of fear and apprehension. They might even feel a little 'hemmed in' because there appears to be no way to turn back safely. It seems like the footing once secure and rock solid is slipping away, small pieces cascading over that cliff-edge, never to be seen again. Some find the winds and waves of present circumstances rocking them to and fro, unable to sail a straight course because there is nothing but opposition in your sails. The harder they attempt to choose the correct course, the more the swells seem to pitch them this direction and that, until they are so unsteady and fearing the capsizing of all that they have come to know as their place of protection. Others feel the ground beneath them trembling, rumblings coming from deep within spaces they have never seen. The ground beneath seems to open up, separating them from what they once