Hallelujah! Praise YE the Lord!
If you have ever read through the Psalms, you will note a theme throughout - Praise. Praise and worship are pretty much interwoven into each psalm. Even when the psalm is a cry for help, instructions for living, or just a plain celebration of something good happening, the underlying theme is the trust in God and the ability to praise him because he is good, gracious, and compassionate toward his creation. Praise is purposeful - it requires an engaged heart and mind. Anything less is something short of praise - perhaps in line with what some may refer to as flattery. Sincere praise celebrates the goodness of God - admiring what he has done, exulting in his presence with us during the tough times, and being thankful for his watchful eye over us. To engage in anything less because heart and mind is not engaged is to simply utter words with little to know "heart-intent". I may not catch each and every football game throughout the year, but I do enjoy wat...