
Showing posts with the label God's Desire; Obedience; Trust God

Love God?

Jesus answered, “All who love me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them. My Father and I will come to them and live with them." (John 14:23) Love Jesus? Then we will obey ALL of his teachings. Love Jesus? Then we can be assured of his heavenly Father's love for us, as well. Love Jesus? He dwells within you and is ever-present with you through all of life's journeys. We probably live somewhere between totally believing these things and 'kinda' believing them (in a selective way). The more 'selective' we are in believing these truths, the more we will struggle with understanding and living within God's love. God isn't selective in who he loves. He loves the whole world - even those who don't know him yet. He provides for their salvation - even though they don't realize they need it. He pursues them with his intense love - even though they have no idea they are 'under pursuit'. If God isn't 'selective' in his love, ...