Haven't we learned yet?
We all have those moments when we feel like we have been abandoned and left out on our own to figure things out. It is probable that we want to let out a little complaint in those moments because we feel a little like no one anticipated our needs and saw to it that they were met. Maybe we even feel a little "entitled" as God's kids to not have to face the reality of the bad stuff that is just part of living here on planet earth. We forget that we are still physically present in the midst of evil and there is no way to escape some of this stuff. Instead of whining, we should be praising; instead of thinking God has rejected us or forgotten we exist, we should be celebrating his presence even when it isn't quite clear to us. God NEVER abandons his kids - no way, no how! His presence is not dependent upon our "feeling" it; his care is not dependent upon us seeing it; his attention is not dependent upon us - it is based upon who he is and what he does! Why