Reputation and Respect
Reputation and respect - two sometimes very contradictory states in life, right? We can have anywhere from a disreputable to "holier-than-thou" reputation, but neither is really a well respected reputation. We can have a pretty disreputable reputation in some individual's eyes and still be very well respected in our circle of influence, such as when a gang member is respected by those in his/her gang. Reputation isn't always based on the "good" we do, but on the way and varied reasons people want to pay us honor. We can gain respect by various means - not all of them honorable and upright. Reputation can be good or bad, and sometimes at a point right in between. Respect can be earned, but it can be lost quicker than it can be earned. Maybe this is why scripture reminds us that reputation and respect are worth MUCH MORE than silver or gold - neither can really be bought, nor can either be maintained through our wealth or "status" in life!