Errant seeds
Do we just sow our wild oats in our youth? The idea of doing something wild and foolish really knows no age - so I guess we could all probably answer this question with a resounding "NO"! We find ourselves doing a good many foolish things in our older age, don't we? What about the last time you said something you regretted, or acted a little too hasty, making bad decisions along the way? Wasn't this acting foolishly? What is the one thing we hope will happen whenever we have done something so foolish and silly? Isn't it that God will forget all about it? Or perhaps that the consequences of our actions will not find us out! Either way, we know what we have done has been both misdirected and silly - all we want is to be "square" again with God, the others in our lives, and our own conscience! God is fair and just; he corrects the misdirected, sends them in the right direction. He gives the rejects his hand, and leads them step-by-step. From now on every ro...