
Showing posts with the label He Said So


Because - what does this word really mean? There were times as a parent when my kids were just asking me all those 'why' questions and all I wanted to do was respond with a resounding, "Because"! You know what came next don't you - "Because why, mommy"!!! "Because I said so" was not always the right answer, but I heard it come out of my mouth on occasion! "Because God says so" is a different story, though. He 'says stuff' that makes things come to life - even the words that seem to 'limit' us mean so much because they keep us safely in a place where life can flourish. Because of the Cross...these words speak volumes. Have you ever stopped long enough to really take an inventory of the many things the Cross of Christ has changed in your life? When you do, you will find the list starts out with really "big" stuff - when you think a little longer, you will find the list begins to encompass some of the things w...