
Showing posts with the label Leave

BE that new person...

There are principles taught throughout scripture where opposite things get "cloned" together as instruction:  Leave and cleave, stop and begin again, turn away and return.  In these moments of instruction we find ourselves being challenged to stop being or doing something one way and then be or do something the totally opposite way.  Why?  In each case, there is something different we are called into.  The way we have been living is to be left behind and we are to embrace a new way of living.  It may not seem obvious at first, but when we receive this instruction and actually take the necessary steps to follow it, our lives begin to change.  When we leave one thing and move into another we are experiencing a new perspective in life.  For example, when we move from one place of residence to a new one, we leave behind a whole lot of memories in the old place, but we are beginning to make new ones in the one we will take up residence in.  We leave, stop, and turn away from the

Leaving and cleaving

I know the passage I chose for today is a message to Israel - to turn from their wandering after other gods and to return to their first love - God himself.  Yet, in the words which unfold, there is some great teaching for everyone of God's kids.  I hope you will give me the liberty to share just a few thoughts from the passage below. Out of here! Out of here! Leave this place!   Don’t look back. Don’t contaminate yourselves with plunder.   Just leave, but leave clean. Purify yourselves  in the process of worship, carrying the holy vessels of  God .  But you don’t have to be in a hurry.   You’re not running from anybody!   God  is leading you out of here,    and the God of Israel is also your rear guard.  (Isaiah 52:11-12 MSG) There are times when we plainly hear God telling us to beat a path in the totally opposite direction from the one we have been headed.  In contrast, there are also times when he confirms the path we are on and encourages us to keep traveling that "hi