me, Me, ME
Help, Lord! For God-like men are here no more. The faithful can no longer be seen among the sons of men. They lie to each other. Their lips speak with sweet-sounding words that are not true. May the Lord cut off all lips of false respect, and the tongue that speaks of great things. They say, “We can win with our tongues. Our lips are our own. Who is lord over us?” (Psalm 2:1-4) When I read this passage this morning, it gave me a moment of pause as it seemed so appropriate for the present 'election season' we are in. It seems like there is lots of 'lip speaking' and 'sweet-sounding words', but how much of what is said will actually prove to be true? There is either 'truth', 'lies', or 'something in between' in these election speeches, right? Never forget that lies are often masked with just enough truth to make them believable! It is time to test character - what has the person shown as his or her values - not in word, but in deed? What ac...