
Showing posts with the label Make the Most

Moments, not minutes

Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.  (Charles Dickens)  I don't know if I need to remind anyone else, but I will take this opportunity today to remind myself that these three things matter very much - the heart, our temper, and our touch. Our heart because it is the seat of all our emotion - guard it well and it will stay on an even-keel; neglect it or allow it to run hog wild and you will know many a misery in life. The heart is capable of being very hardened because it faces all manner of anger, hatred, and malicious intent in this world, or it can remain malleable in the hands of God even in the face of great adversity and resistance.  A temper that never tires might just be likened to an attitude that never forgets how to forgive, extending mercy even when it is least deserved. We all might just benefit from having such a temper, my friends. I know how many times I have been on the receiving end of that type of temper an