
Showing posts with the label Meet A Need

Can I lighten that load a bit?

As you serve the Lord, work hard and don’t be lazy. Be excited about serving him! Be happy because of the hope you have. Be patient when you have troubles. Pray all the time. Share with God’s people who need help. Look for people who need help and welcome them into your homes. (Romans 12:11-13) Is it possible to be a little 'lazy' in our service to the Lord and his people? Of course it is! We aren't going to be 'on cue' 100% of the time, no matter how hard we try to be consistent. The heart is what matters - are we intentional in our service, focused on what God desires for us to be doing, and looking for ways to help others? Look for people who need help and then do what you can to be of help to them. This is God's plan. Our plan may not always be the same as God's, but as long as we are making ourselves available for his use, he will reveal his plan to us. If you have ever been prompted to do something 'out of the blue' that met the need of someon...

Put a nickel in

The old-time comedian Flip Wilson reminded us, "You cannot expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine." There is much truth to this adage - we have to invest in life if we want to reap positive benefits from having lived it. As we cross the heavenly gate, do we want to hear, "Great job on getting that promotion", "Wonderful accomplishment with the multi-million-dollar corporation", or "Well done, thy good and faithful servant"? Where we invest our 'nickels' is as important as us putting a few of them 'in the machine'! Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visite...

God's plan is you

Mother Teresa reminds us, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." Who is your 'one'? You might not realize it, but that 'one' could be sitting right next to you today. When our hearts are open to hear what God wants us to hear and see what he wants us to see, we might just realize there are more 'needs' unmet in that person's life than there are met. Could we be the one to meet even one of those needs? If we are willing to put our own life on hold for just a moment or two, I believe we can become the hands and feet of Christ in a world that is hurting, lost, and oftentimes feeling like the battle has left them our on their own.  Does your life in Christ give you strength? Does his love comfort you? Do we share together in the spirit? Do you have mercy and kindness? If so, make me very happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love, and having one mind and purpose. When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride b...

Find a way

We all probably know someone who has a difficult time making their needs known - either because of advanced age, being just a wee tot, or perhaps suffering from some mental incapacity. Who do you know who cannot speak for themselves? Perhaps an individual comes to mind who is mentally handicapped, clearly not able to make decisions for themselves that consistently reflect safety for their well-being. Perhaps it is an elderly person who no longer is able to get around as they once did, with mental acuity not quite at the same level it once had been. Not to meddle or anything, but maybe it is you! Have you ever seen something more than once, a warning or advisement of sorts, and just gone right on past it? If so, maybe you were exhibiting a little bit of 'mental incapacity' at that moment! You clearly 'received' the warning, but did you really 'receive' it? No, because you did not put it into action. What is received is used. Whenever scripture tells us somethin...