
Showing posts with the label Name Change

My name is...

We have much emphasis today on "name recognition". In fact, there is a process in business referred to as "branding" in which an organization seeks to get its product or service identified with a particular name. In contrast, the organization never wants its name to be associated with a BAD product or LOUSY service. The "name" has a great deal of importance - even when it is more of a 'label' than a true name. For example, if I refer to someone as "Loser", what am I saying? It isn't likely that I am telling them they lost the tennis match! It is more likely that I am 'labeling' them as acting in a way that isn't really all that 'top-notch'. They don't 'measure up' to my expectations - whatever they may be. The good news is that God doesn't give us a 'label' - he gives us a 'name'. The name we bear means a lot about how we act, the choices we make, and the evidence our life displays