
Showing posts with the label New vs Old

Something new

If we find ourselves too busy for our neighbor's burden then we are too busy! If we find ourselves too interested in our own issues so as to miss the pressing needs of another, we are too disinterested in those God places in our lives! Live what we preach - that is the goal, isn't it? The idea of "sharing burdens" seems like a term we have utilized in Christian circles for as long as I can remember. It is usually associated with pastoral admonishments to engage in service, being available to what God urges us to do, and to come alongside one who is hurting. In reality, what does this look like? It begins by forgiving others, adding a little 'holding back' on occasion when we'd like to point out a fault, and ends up somewhere in the actions of actually helping another who is weighed down under burdens galore. Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgi...