
Showing posts with the label Ridicule

Speak not to the fool!

Did you know what a troponym is?  I didn't either, but learned it this morning!  I knew about synonyms, antonyms, and other "parts" of speech, but troponyms escaped me!  It is a word which denotes the manner we do something.  For example, shuffling is a manner of walking (a troponym which describes the manner in which walking is performed).  So, I had to look up the "troponym" for "ridicule" this morning, as this word came to me at about two this morning and just kept running through my mind.  Here's a little of what I discovered are the various "ways" we ridicule (poke fun at) another: - We tease.  This is a type of mocking or playful "making fun of" kind of action. - We lampoon.  This is a type of "satire" such as when we ridicule with sarcasm, often pointing out their vices with a little bit of humor. - We expose.  This seemed like an odd way to describe ridicule, but it really does because we often "uncove...