
Showing posts with the label Sabbath

Not just a weekend

One of my Facebook friends posted a cute thing the other day:  "Chocolate is to women what duct tape is to men - it fixes everything" (a quote advertising Cafe Escapes).  It kind of caught my attention and immediately made me chuckle, simply because all of us women know this is so true!  Some weeks we just need a little more "duct tape" in our lives than others!  If you study the effects of chocolate on the human brain, you will find it releases some type of chemical akin to the one which makes us feel "good".  Some think this is caused by a release of "endorphin-stimulating" ingredient which causes our brain's receptors to just "perk up" and release the "feel-good" chemicals in our system.  I don't know what receptors chocolate reaches in your brain, but it works this way for me!  Maybe this is why we turn to chocolate when we are not feeling "good" for some reason - either because the stress of the day is

You are driving yourself crazy!

We rush and rush through life - wondering all the while if we will ever get caught up with all the commitments we have made, the deadlines imposed upon us by others, and the silly pursuits we carelessly call our "leisure time".  Sure enough, the demands of life are many!  Yet, in it all, we are reminded of the importance of keeping our perspective in the chaos! 8  “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."   (Exodus 20:8 New Living Translation) For most, we "celebrate" the Sabbath day each weekend.  I used quotations marks around the word CELEBRATE simply because most of us don't really treat the Sabbath day as anything all that special.  We call it our "Sabbath" day, but we don't treat it any differently than the day before or the day after - other than gathering at church for a short period of time. God's reminder to us to keep a day as "holy" was for one reason - rest.  He knows very well our tendency