
Showing posts with the label Seeking

Not always an "ah-ha" moment

Honestly, there are times in this world when I feel like I am talking and I don't think anyone is even listening - not a human, not an animal, and not even God. There have been times as a mom when I was saying something to two very blank faces staring back at me in what many would call their looking at you, but we don't hear a word you say kind of face!  There have also been moments when I have tried to just engage someone in conversation, only to find they have never been listening to a word I said because their answer is so totally different than the question I asked! I chuckle now at some of the things mom answered when she heard something so totally different than what I ever said or asked, just because she was hard of hearing and in the early stages of dementia. We've probably all been in this situation at least once where we find ourselves chuckling over what we thought we heard, but it was totally different than what was spoken! Thank goodness God is really listening...

Make room for discovery

"Anyone, without exception, can know God if they really want to simply by praying, by honestly telling Him that they want to know Him. He always responds to honest seekers. Jesus promised, 'All who seek, find.'"  (Peter Kreeft)  The objective in seeking is almost always to find, discover, or expose.  We never set out in a true spirit of seeking in anticipation we will never discover anything - we may not always know what we will discover, but we seek something. When our seeking is to find answers to what truly troubles our souls, the likelihood that our honest seeking will take us right to the feet of the cross is pretty good - because God is always looking for those who will seek with the desire to know truth.  In seeking, God reveals truth - in revealing truth, the soul is set free. Without faith no one can please God because the one coming to God must believe He exists, and He rewards those who come seeking. (Hebrews 11:6 VOICE) If we consider our passag...

Come and see for yourself

I often explore with people their "learning style" - in other words, how do they best learn?  This helps me to craft my lessons with them - especially if they need to get tough concepts or practices down pat.  If they are visual learners, telling them what they need to know just won't cut it.  They may get the information on how something is done, but because they haven't seen it, they won't get the full grasp of it.  If they are hands-on learners, they need to experience it for themselves - see how the parts fit together to make whole. Once they do it a few times, they begin to get the hang of it and pretty much could teach the next one.  Maybe we are all a little like that - we need to see, touch, and experience things in Christ before we really "get them".  I don't think God is caught by surprise that any of us don't just "get him" by reading his Word alone.  Perhaps this is why he gives us such convincing evidence in the fellow bel...

You reading my mind?

If you have ever used the term, "You must have read my mind", then you probably had someone show up with just the right thing you needed at that moment, coming through for you without you even having to ask for their assist, etc.  Truth be told, they didn't read your mind - they anticipated your needs, did the neighborly thing, or just listened to the voice of God!  Man does not read man's thought - God does!  Wouldn't it be great if we could read God's mind?  To truly figure out this whole mess we call life and know the end from the beginning?  Well, according to what he told Jeremiah, we can! For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.   Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.  Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require...