
Showing posts with the label Share It

A few 'truth-rumors' we need to share

Rumors are dainty morsels that sink deep into one’s heart. (Proverbs 26:22)  A rumor is something put into general circulation without confirmation of the facts behind the message. Considering this, do you ever wonder how so much stuff gets into general circulation without someone taking the time or effort to confirm it? I think it is probably more than we realize. Everyone wants to "out-scoop" the next guy. Someone has to be "first" with the "big story" - not just on TV news, but also in real life day-to-day interactions. People just want to be "in the know" about the other guy, the latest event, or the way-out-there thing that just happened. Mom always used to teach, "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all." Sound advice, but I think many folks operate more on the "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, I am all ears"! Did you ever stop to consider tha...

Closet Christian?

The Temple of God in the Old Testament became the place where God could meet personally with his people. Today, the 'temple' is not a building - it is his people. Instead of one locale for his presence to inhabit, there are millions and millions of temples - his people. His presence inhabits his people and in turn, his presence is free to explore the world through us! God's temple needs to be seen - to be an impact on the world. Light isn't meant to be hidden, my friends - it is meant to illuminate - to expose and show the beauty around it. No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. (Luke 11:33) Prayer is one means of us bringing light to the world, but it isn't enough. God isn't asking for his church to be 'shy' about their faith - we are to be bold in our prayers. The presence of God inhabits his temples - when we become visible, hi...