A change of focus
We have been exploring the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives through the various "gifts" he gives as we walk along with him. As we have already established, there are a variety of "fruits" and "gifts" of the Spirit, but all come from exactly the same source. Fruits are a result of growth IN our inner man as we walk with the Spirit, gifts are a result of the Spirit's working within us given to help each of us grow a little deeper in Christ. The gifts of the Spirit are for the benefit of the entire Body of Christ - his church - your fellow believers. The fruits of the Spirit actually impact you first, then they begin to reveal the nature of God's heart to the world around you. We need both - one without the other is like bread without butter, potatoes without gravy, or cake without frosting. I can eat bread plain, but there is something about the combination of butter slathered on the surface of a good bread which gives it just that much mo...