
Showing posts with the label Steps of Obedience

My feet in his footprints

 There are times we view God's Word as 'good advice' to be consulted much as a person might consult the weather report or financial pages of the paper. We go to the Word because we need some answer, but are we merely consulting the Word of God as a 'source' we consider, or as THE source we consider to be the most reliable and trustworthy of all sources? I read the Morninstar Research reports on how well a fund may be performing when considering to invest, but it isn't my only 'source' of information. I may consult my owner's manual about how something operates on my washing machine, but when I sense a foul odor, am not pleased with the cleanliness of the clothing, or hear a strange sound I am haven't heard before, that 'one source' isn't the end all of sources. I need an appliance repair person to help me diagnose the problem. The Word of God is indeed 'good advice', but we all know advice is meaningless until it is embraced.