
Showing posts with the label Straight

The leap of faith

You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by  God .  You're blessed when you follow his directions,  doing your best to find him.   That's right—you don't go off on your own;  you walk straight along the road he set.  You,  God , prescribed the right way to live;  now you expect us to live it.  (Psalm 119:1-4 The Message) A few days ago, we looked at the meaning of the word "blessed".  Many might have been surprised to know that "blessed" carried meaning such as consecrated, set apart, sanctified, and supremely favored.  Words are rich in meaning - we just need to explore them to see what is "hidden" within.  The psalmist sought to set out a series of "life-instructions" within the 119th Psalm.  He begins with the lesson of learning to "walk".  He will end with the idea of where learning to walk actually gets us!  Today, we begin a venture into Psalm 119 - finding highli...