Are you a pack mule?
Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin. (Psalm 55:22) Have you been all tied up in carrying your own load, my friends? I know I get there now and again, forgetting to lay down that load and just allowing more and more to be plopped on top of what already weighs me down. My load isn't too heavy - it is just that I wasn't meant to carry it! When we aren't meant to carry the load, it will always seem like a burden. Do you know what a pack mule is? It is bred for the purpose of carrying loads. It is less stubborn than a donkey, but hardier than a horse. They are surefooted, quite intelligent, and very cautious. That means they can carry the burden, while paying close attention to where they put their feet. A pack mule is bred to carry that burden - you are not. You may be intelligent, but do you always pay close attention, knowing exactly where you are going and how to get there? If you are...