
Showing posts with the label Teacher

Strong in faith

You, however, must tell everyone how to live in a way that agrees with the true teaching. Teach the older men to have self-control, to be serious, and to be wise. They must be strong in faith, in love, and in patience. (Titus 2:1-2) You might say the Apostle Paul left Titus in Crete to help establish the churches there, knowing the region well himself, and being commissioned to develop the leadership within those churches. Titus was commissioned to appoint 'elders' to help lead the people - men of good reputation, solid beliefs, and with upright hearts. Titus was also called upon to help the New Testament churches know when a man was teaching wrong doctrine, trying to mislead people with some other 'gospel message' other than grace. It was an important role, but we hear very little of Titus. That might give many of us a little hope, because we don't need to have the 'important roles' in life to contribute in a very positive way! As Paul commissioned Titus, h...

Bringing God into the Picture

Disciple:  A pupil; one who is in a place of learning.  To this end, we can all admit we are disciples - in a place of learning.  As Jesus faced his disciples day after day, his main purpose was to help them learn what it meant to have the Kingdom of God in their midst - the presence of God dwelling among them.  Isn't this the purpose of all our tests and trials - to get us to the place we understand we have the presence of God within us at all times?  Disciples have sever unique characteristics, but I think the one which becomes most evident is the awareness of the presence of God - the Teacher, instructing those who remain in a place of willing submission to his teaching. Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple.  (Luke 14:33 MSG) A disciple doesn't concern themselves with the "what can I do" mentality in life.  Instead, they make the shift from the "...